
In English education, the terms “proficiency test,” “achievement test,” and “aptitude test” refer to different types of assessments that serve distinct purposes:

Proficiency Test:

Purpose: Measures a person’s ability or skill level in a particular language or subject, often regardless of the specific training or instruction they have received.
Example: The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) assesses English language proficiency for non-native speakers.
Achievement Test:

Purpose: Evaluates what a person has learned or achieved after receiving instruction or training in a specific subject area.
Example: End-of-course exams, like final exams in a school subject, or standardized tests like the SAT Subject Tests that measure knowledge in specific areas taught in school.
Aptitude Test:

Purpose: Assesses a person’s ability to learn or potential to succeed in a specific area, often predicting future performance or ability.
Example: The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) or the ACT, which are used to predict a student’s readiness for college-level work.
In summary:

Proficiency tests focus on current skill levels.
Achievement tests measure learned knowledge.
Aptitude tests predict future potential.
